How To Stop Spam Texts on iPhone in 2024

7 min read • May 29th • The Blockr Security Team

In the fast-paced world of 2024, our iPhones have become extensions of ourselves. They're our connection to friends, family, work, and the digital universe at large. However, with this convenience comes a downside: the ever-increasing barrage of spam texts. These unsolicited messages range from annoying promotions to outright scams, and they can pose a real threat to your privacy and finances.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into why spam texts are on the rise, what steps are being taken to protect consumers, and most importantly, how you can safeguard your iPhone against these digital nuisances.

Why do you get so many spam texts in 2024?

As we navigate the digital landscape of 2024, one prevalent issue that continues to frustrate many is the influx of spam texts. The reasons behind this surge are multifaceted, ranging from the aftermath of data breaches to the evolving tactics of scammers. Here are some key factors contributing to why your phone may be inundated with unwanted messages:

  1. Data Breaches
    • In 2024, data breaches and exposures are unfortunately all too common. Every time you sign up for a service, make a purchase online, or even just browse the web, you're leaving digital footprints that can be exploited by scammers. Your phone number, once a relatively private piece of information, is now often freely available through various data breaches and leaks.
    • While the FCC's STIR/SHAKEN framework has been successful in reducing the number of spam calls, scammers are adapting. They've shifted their focus to spam texts as a new way to reach potential victims. This means that while you might be receiving fewer spam calls, your text inbox could be filling up faster than ever.
  3. Targeting Younger Demographics
    • Spam text scammers are savvy. They know that younger generations, in particular, rely heavily on texting as their primary mode of communication. Whether it's for socializing, coordinating plans, or even work-related messages, younger users are more likely to engage with texts. This makes them prime targets for scammers looking to deceive and defraud.
  4. Online Data Collection
    • Beyond data breaches, your phone number can end up in the wrong hands through various online activities. Signing up for newsletters, entering online contests, or even just posting your number on social media can make you vulnerable to receiving spam texts. Additionally, when your number is shared with third-party companies and data brokers without your explicit consent, it opens the door to a flood of unwanted messages.
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What's being done to protect consumers in the United States?

In the ongoing battle against the rising tide of spam texts, efforts are underway in the United States to protect consumers from these unwanted messages. Various strategies and initiatives have been put forth to address this issue. Here's a look at what's being done to safeguard consumers:

  1. FCC Initiatives
  2. Limited Carrier Support
    • Cellular carriers are aware of the spam text problem and do offer some level of support. This can include basic filtering options or the ability to report spam texts. However, these solutions are often limited in their effectiveness. Carriers are also working to implement the STIR/SHAKEN framework for text messages, but this too is a gradual process.
  3. New Apps
    • Fortunately, the private sector is stepping in to fill the gap while regulatory measures catch up. Apps like Blockr are emerging as powerful tools to combat spam texts. Blockr, for example, uses advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze incoming texts and identify spam with remarkable accuracy (99% to be exact!). These apps give consumers immediate control over their text inbox and provide much-needed relief from spam.

Why are spam texts so dangerous?

With text scams on the rise and their financial impact hitting hard, it's crucial to understand the scope of the problem. According to the Federal Trade Commission, Americans lost more than $370 million to text scams in 2023 alone, showcasing the significant financial toll these scams can take. These scams come in various forms, from phishing attempts to fake promotions, and they can have serious consequences for those who fall victim to them. Here are some key aspects of the issue to consider:

  1. Highly Believable
    • According to the Federal Trade Commission, Americans lost more than $370 million to text scams in 2023. This is a staggering number, highlighting the widespread nature of the issue. Whether it's phishing attempts, fake promotions, or outright fraud, these scams can have serious consequences for those who are tricked.
Avg Losses by Spam Communication
Contact Method # of Reports Total $ Lost Median $ Lost
Email 358,428 $430M $575
Phone Call 297,765 $850M $1,480
Text 230,407 $372M $1,000
Website or Apps 193,659 $894M $223
Social Media 181,396 $1,486M $341
Other 167,476 $1,246M $625
Online Ad or Pop-Up 43,741 $224M $168
Mail 42,235 $81M $799
  1. Financial Loss
    • The financial impact of falling victim to a text scam can be devastating. On average, victims lose around $1,000 per text scam. Scammers use various tactics to deceive individuals into providing personal information or making payments, and the losses can quickly add up.
  2. Frequency
    • Perhaps most frustratingly, spam texts are not just a one-time annoyance. The average user receives 18 spam texts per month, according to FCC reports. This constant bombardment can create a sense of unease every time your phone pings with a new message, wondering if it's legitimate or another attempt to defraud you.

What protection options are available to consumers now?

As the battle against spam texts continues, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and reduce the annoyance of unwanted messages. From utilizing built-in reporting features to exploring dedicated apps, here are some effective methods to combat spam texts:

  1. Report to iPhone
    • If you receive a spam text on your iPhone, you can report it easily. Simply tap on the message, then tap the "Report Junk" link. This helps Apple improve its filtering algorithms, but it won't necessarily stop more spam texts from reaching you.
  2. Contact Your Carrier
    • Reach out to your cellular carrier to see what options they offer for combating spam texts. Some carriers have basic filtering features that can help reduce the number of unwanted messages you receive. They can also provide guidance on how to best protect yourself.
  3. Spam Text Blocker Apps
    • For more proactive protection, consider using a dedicated spam text blocker app like Blockr. These apps are designed specifically to analyze incoming texts and weed out the spam. Blockr, for instance, achieves a high success rate in blocking spam texts. It uses AI and machine learning to constantly adapt to new spamming techniques, ensuring you stay one step ahead of scammers.
  4. Be Vigilant
    • Lastly, staying informed and vigilant is key. Be wary of texts from unknown numbers, especially if they contain links or ask for personal information. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to delete suspicious messages.

How to stop spam texts with Blockr

Blockr is the new iOS text blocker app that's designed to stop text scams for you, for good. Blockr's text blocking algorithm uses AI and machine learning to eliminate spam text messages, so you can stop the scamxiety™ in your iMessage inbox.

Here's how to access Blockr's advanced spam text protection:

  1. Go to the iOS app store on your smartphone
  2. Search for “Blockr” in the search bar
  3. Access the Blockr app store page, and select “download”
  4. Open the Blockr app and create a new Blockr account
  5. Configure and customize your Blockr protection settings


In conclusion, the rise of spam texts in 2024 presents a significant challenge for iPhone users. From data exposures to targeted scams, the threats are real and pervasive. However, by understanding why spam texts are on the rise, what measures are being taken to protect consumers, and the actionable steps you can take right now, you can regain control over your text inbox.

Whether it's utilizing the reporting feature on your iPhone, reaching out to your carrier for support, or leveraging advanced apps like Blockr, you have options. Protecting yourself from spam texts requires a multi-faceted approach, combining technological solutions with consumer awareness.

Remember, the goal of scammers is to exploit vulnerabilities and deceive. By arming yourself with knowledge and the right tools, you can safeguard your privacy, finances, and peace of mind against the tide of spam texts in 2024.

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